Chrysanthemums in autumnal colors of yellow, bronze and green - set off by fiery orange roses, seeded eucalyptus and hypericum - nestle together with brilliant fall leaves to create a bright floral arrangement that's reminiscent of a walk in the woods at sugar maple time. A terra-cotta pot adds a rustic touch.
Chrysanthemums in autumnal colors of yellow, bronze and green - set off by fiery orange roses, seeded eucalyptus and hypericum - nestle together with brilliant fall leaves to create a bright floral arrangement that's reminiscent of a walk in the woods at sugar maple time. A terra-cotta pot adds a rustic touch.
Chrysanthemums in autumnal colors of yellow, bronze and green - set off by fiery orange roses, seeded eucalyptus and hypericum - nestle together with brilliant fall leaves to create a bright floral arrangement that's reminiscent of a walk in the woods at sugar maple time. A terra-cotta pot adds a rustic touch.